From Top Left to Right & Second Row: Celeste Iroha, Founder and Executive Director; Kylie Price, Vice President; Elijah Pelton, Treasurer; Kylie Rich, Survivor Advocate; Kelly Hy, Policy Director (picture not shown); Emily Silvia (Social Media Coordinator) (picture not shown); Emeline Mannix, Youth Advisory Council Chair and Survivor Advocate (picture not yet provided)


We asked why our board members were interested in getting involved to be on the Board, and here were some of the responses: 

"I am seeking these positions because I want to make a change in the world, I want kids to be safe going to school and I am done sitting back while people are being so affected by gun violence." - YAC Chair and Survivor Advocate Emeline Mannix;

"I want kids to live in a world where they don’t have to worry about a potential mass shooting at their school or a predator lurking in their social media accounts. I want to change many lives and leave a positive impact and legacy with so many people.”- Policy Director Kelly Hy

"I am a current PhD student with a background in public health and family science. Throughout my training I have been developing skills around research, program planning/evaluation, and policy analysis that I would love to use for the betterment of my community."



 Interested in applying to join our Board?! Click the link to apply for the open positions seen provided below:


Vacant Positions needed to be filled: Community Service Chair; Co-Treasurer; Survivor Advocates (rolling position, no set amount);